Alina Schmitz
Born in the Oberbergischer Kreis right in the middle of the countryside I always had a close relationship to animals and nature. Even tough my desired career also always had a tendency into this direction, things turned out quite differently and after my Abitur I started studying German Language and Literature and English Studies at the University of Cologne. But the mere studies didn’t do the trick for me and in connection to this I started an apprenticeship as a bookbinder in Cologne. My interests are wide-ranging, but there has always been a certain attraction to books and literature in my whole life. Another major passion in my life is the love for music, by attending countless Hardstyle-Festivals I got to know some of the most important people in my life, especially my travel partner whom I would have never met if it wasn’t for the love of the music. Additionally I’m keen on travelling for sure and getting to know about foreign countries and cultures, moreover photography is something that fascinated me since I was a kid. I have a great affection for nature and all its creatures and was introduced to our impact on our environment and its protection at a very early age. I’m an open-minded person in general and ready for any exciting new experience that’s ahead of us and for every lesson that this journey is gonna teach me.
Kevin Schlüter

My interests were always located in the technical sector, especially electrical engineering. Already as a child I liked to take apart and build things all the time, causing my parents a lot of concerns and wearies. A lot of toys had to bite the dust because I just had to know how they worked and how I could re-use them in exciting new ways. This technical interest ran through my whole life like a golden thread. For sure I wasn’t the most enthusiastic pupil, but technical aspects still make my heart pound. After attending a vocational school with technical focus I secluded my bachelor‘s degree in electrical engineering. But being finished with all of these studies I needed to take a break and moreover I sensed that my English skills needed to be improved. So I decided to take one of this renowned and hyped work and travel gap year in Australia. I worked really hard to afford six more months of travelling, I had unique experiences and also had several setbacks, but in the end I learned a lot about myself and my life. Eventually this chapter in my life came to an end and another one was right ahead of me.
From now on I was in the tight grip of work life for about six years. Many travels abroad, little time off, bad predictability, seeing friends and family only once in a while, this is what my daily routine had become.
In the first year of this new chapter I got to know my travel partner, via music, via the hard pounding beats of Hardstyle and many following festivals. For me this was a great compensation for my hard work days.
After many days and weeks of reflecting and thinking over we made the decision to travel the world, get to know new cultures and languages and collect experiences and memories.